Who owns my phone number?
Hotliner makes it easy to link a phone number you control and own through a PSTN Carrier (Public Switch Telephone Network, where everyone’s phone numbers exist and work together). Currently, we support phone numbers that are operated by Twilio, with support for Plivo coming soon.
What countries does Hotliner support?
Currently, the development of Hotliner is focused in supporting US-based phone numbers, however Canadian and Mexican phone numbers should work without issue. We intend to expand out our testing to other regions as time allows and customer demand requests as such.
What are Carrier Usage Fees?
As Hotliner operates on a Bring Your Own Number basis, you are beholden to the usage fees of your PSTN Carrier in addition to Hotliner’s pricing model. Generally, this encompasses a monthly fee for your phone number, potentially a registration fee for the ability to send SMS messages (a fraud prevention measure), and then usage fees per SMS and Call sent and received.
Current pricing for Twilio can be found here. Hotliner currently uses Twilio’s SMS, Programmable Voice, and Elastic SIP Trunking functionality, however future feature updates may expand this to other services Twilio offers.
Hotliner currently does not support Plivo nor Vonage, but intends to in the future.